Online Therapy

What Are The Benefits of Online Therapy?

Amazing Space has been a fully virtual practice for 5 years. Online therapy and video chat provide a safe and effective space for our clients, a place they are most comfortable. Virtual therapy provides access for those who would not be able to access it traditionally.

Online Therapy allows me to forge strong relationships with my clients allowing us to work through significant emotional turmoil and trauma. This allows my clients to recover their sense of self and agency.

Providing Online Therapy provides my clients easier access to my services, reducing their cost and more flexibility for scheduling.

What Approaches and Methods Are Used?

Sessions are held in my virtual office so that you get a real-time experience of what working with me online will be like. During the call, you will get a sense of me – how I listen and ask questions – how I can be of service to your achieving your goals and growth. It’ll give you a chance to know that online therapy services are a fit for you.

Our Online therapy services are provided through secure video chat which allows us to explore many therapeutic modalities such as: talk therapy, Gestalt therapy, intra and inter-personal therapy, and somatic (nervous system regulation) therapy to name a few.

What Challenges and Issues Are Addressed Through Online Therapy

Virtual services allow us to safely and effectively treat issues of: anxiety, depression, addiction, low self-esteem, co-dependence, self-sabotage, relationship dissatisfaction including infidelity, couple’s therapy, and unresolved developmental trauma as well as PTSD

How to Schedule an Online Session

To schedule an online therapy session with me or a free 15-minute consultation you can fill in the contact me section at the bottom of this page or call, email, or text me to set up your appointment.