What is Couples Therapy
Couples therapy is a process of relationship repair where together we focus on understanding what has worked in the relationship and what the current areas of dissatisfaction or dysfunction are. We illuminate past patterns for each partner from their family of origin, in order to understand how these patterns are replicated in the present relationship and sabotaging the intimacy and connection that originally drew you together. In couple’s counselling we focus on the impacts of each partner’s actions on the relationship. We also look at the impact of ‘thirds’ in the relationship and how as a couple you work together to form agreements about how to manage thirds so that they support and not subvert connection in the coupleship. Thirds in a relationship are anything that may intrude on the primacy of the coupleship. Some examples of thirds are: work, extended family, addictions, children and or pets, or hobbies. Sexual or romantic relationships outside of the coupleship were monogamy has been an agreement of the relationship also functions as ‘thirds’.
How Does Couples Therapy Help?
When Should You Consider Couples Therapy?
Is It Ever Too Late To Seek Couples Therapy?
It is never too late to seek couples therapy. The reason that I say that is that it is never too late to improve your relationship with yourself and your partner! You may discover through the process of engaging in couple’s counselling services that the healthiest decision for each of you is to separate and to do that in a way that is adult, empowered, and focused on reducing harm to each of you and to those most affected by your decision. You may also discover that in exploring all of the implications of separating that you will find renewed life energy and hope for a healthier relationship based on conscious choices to act against historical patterns and beliefs about yourself, your partner, and the nature of love.
What Does a Couples Therapy Session Include?
A couple’s session is 75 minutes in length as opposed to an individual session which is 50 minutes in length. The reason for this is that 75 minutes optimizes our ability to do relationship work in real-time which is a greater return on your time and resources than a shorter session. Couples therapy sessions are progressive and are designed to build awareness and relationship skills to experience in real-time in order to build capacity to implement new ways of supporting connection in the relationship between sessions. As the process progresses we will often design experiments in our live video sessions to practice in between sessions. The purpose of experiments is to gather information; they cannot fail. The implementation of relational experiments between sessions supports deeper work in the next session and makes your online therapy more effective!
What Can You Expect From Couples Therapy?
Who is Couples Therapy For?
What Kind of Counselling Techniques Are Used?
What Are The Advantages of Online Couples therapy?
The most important thing about the comparison of online therapy and video sessions is not what is different but what is similar! What is similar is that each partner experiences a growing sense of trust and resonance with the therapist and the process so that relationship issues can be resolved safely.