Don’t stay buried in the
wreckage of your past.
Therapy for Individuals, Couples, and Groups Online, in Barrie and Toronto
“It’s like everybody else gets it, and I don’t…”
Why does it feel like you’re always playing catch up?
“We were the perfect couple. Everyone said so, and now we don’t even like each other.”
Other couples can move on from their challenges – so what’s wrong with you and your partner?
“Am I a sex addict… I mean, is that really even a thing?”
Confusion… shame… guilt…

You are not what happened to you.
You are not who you were told you were to be.
You are not your problematic, compulsive, or addictive behaviors.
You are not the suffering that brings you here today.
But the impulse that brought you here today is good.
Whether it’s because the suffering has become too great…
… the anxiety and depression are too overwhelming…
… the numbness and the deadness are paralyzing you…
… or the chaos of staying in relationships that don’t work, or the compulsions and addictions are costing too much – whatever brought you here is welcome, because it got you here!

Welcome home.

Hi, I’m Frank.
So Frank, tell me, who am I?
Hah! No way! We said, “Enough!”
I’m not going to be another in a long line of well-meaning people, institutions, religions, movements, relatives, and whoever else that tells you who you are!
I could wax eloquently about psychological theory and modalities of healing (I’m actually quite good at that, and it’s fun – for me). The problem is that it has little, if any, lasting impact for you!
So how will you know who you are?
Together, we will discover who you truly are, and that discovery will be the most powerful, lasting knowledge you will ever want or need!
We will skillfully dismantle the false self and its ways of coping and surviving while building the Amazing Space for your best self to emerge!
Will it hurt?
Yes, sometimes – but the pain won’t last, and you will discover how brave you are. And then you’ll be proud of yourself.
All the ways you sabotage yourself now will look unattractive, and you’ll stop them.
Your true self is buried alive in the wreckage of your past.
Buried ALIVE! Not dead!
Together, we will create an Amazing Space to dig through the wreckage, whatever it may be. You’ll be free to build your unique relationship with yourself, so you’ll never be buried again.
And then you won’t need me, and you’ll fire me – what a joyful day that will be!

Call now to book a free 20-minute phone consultation and to book your first appointment:
Am I a Sex Addict?
COMING SOON: ‘Internalized
Homophobia /Identity
Pride’ Self
Assessment Scale
Am I Love Addicted
or Co-dependent?